Most people have found a worthwhile cause they are passionate about and invest their time and energy towards that cause. We don’t all have the same passions and therefore can’t all commit to the same cause and that’s exactly how God intended it to be. Has God ever told you so firmly though that you have to take action? Maybe you were already involved but that conviction became undeniable and you had to start moving your life around, making scary changes, sacrificing even, in order to follow God’s calling?
Many of us here at Deaf Child Hope have a similar experience to that. Matthew 25:40 is not just one of the Bible verses that speaks to us here, it’s the foundation of why we do what we do. Why Deaf Child Hope International was founded 14 years ago. Why many of the staff, including the founder and director, JD King, listened to the Holy Spirit’s calling.
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40
This is a reminder that we should be helping the least of these.
Deaf children in poverty are exactly who Jesus was talking about when he said this, not because they are less valuable, but because their circumstances are extremely difficult. People often seem to ponder why God allowed poverty in the first place since it causes so much pain and struggle. Well he didn’t! Poverty was introduced into our world when sin entered our world, and when we wonder why God isn’t doing something about it now, well he absolutely is. He is convicting each and every one of us to do good and take action. It’s up to us to listen and to follow through. For some that is helping the environment, or working with animals. For others it’s closer to home in your own communities, maybe a food bank or in your church. It could be adoption, fostering, volunteer work and dozens of other things. But God is calling us all to take action and he’s not saying it will be easy.
Deaf Gain can be defined as this. Deafness is not the loss of a sense nor does it confine you or define you. In deafness there is so much to be gained. -Katie Rivera, DCH Promotions and Advancement
Every child has gifts and those gifts have the power to change the world. Deaf Child Hope seeks to be a change agent in the world that allows deaf children all over the world to rise up out of the piercing poverty into which they were born and have the chance to unleash those gifts that God has given them. For many of these children, when they first come into contact with Deaf Child Hope and one of our partner organizations it is about surviving, but then over time it becomes about thriving. Every child has the right to dream, right? Imagine how difficult it would be to have a dream if you couldn’t communicate it with anybody. If you didn’t have any language and couldn’t even converse with your own parents, siblings or teachers.
Our brand new partner in Kenya is currently closer to the surviving end of the spectrum, and just recently our DCH community stepped up and all 14 children plus a few of the teachers at this new partner were sponsored ($38/month) in less than 10 days. Less than 10 days! This sort of incredible response to a call to action is so uplifting. It can be difficult when you are in the thick of trials or stress to witness the movement and progress. That is why it takes a team, a village, a ministry. Now our hearts are listening to what God wants next. We are in an exciting time of growth and opportunity here at DCH. There are many many potential partners and deaf children in poverty who have not yet made it to a school or home where they are learning language. Many of them are homeless or being abused and have very little hope. When the statistic is 25 million Deaf children, then the need seems overwhelming, but that is when we turn our attention back to God and remember his power is limitless, and nothing is impossible with God! Thank you for being a part of this team. Your generosity and compassion make all of the difference!
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Did You Ever Wonder Why? DCH Logo Explained
January 24, 2024
A logo is a powerful symbol for any organization. With one glance the heart behind your business, and in this case our ministry, is explained and often without even using…
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