Through Time in Kenya

June 21, 2024

This past year we added a third partner in Kenya. Ten plus years ago was the start of our first partnership in Kenya (Lances Deaf Orphans or LDO). LDO is…

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Clinton’s Story- A Boy from Kenya

May 17, 2024

*Apologizes if this hit your inbox twice, we seemed to have trouble with the initial delivery* Today’s post is about a teenager named Clinton who lives in Kenya. Now depending…

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What Drives Us At Deaf Child Hope – Taking A Moment to Reflect

March 19, 2024

Most people have found a worthwhile cause they are passionate about and invest their time and energy towards that cause. We don’t all have the same passions and therefore can’t…

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Did You Ever Wonder Why? DCH Logo Explained

January 24, 2024

A logo is a powerful symbol for any organization. With one glance the heart behind your business, and in this case our ministry, is explained and often without even using…

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Bringing HOPE In Memory of Marisol for Giving Tuesday

November 17, 2023

Over the years you may have heard the name Marisol. Marisol was a little girl who was growing up in Mexico and attending a special and wonderful school for deaf…

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Providing Hope to Deaf Children with A Big Heart And A Whole Lot of Commitment

August 30, 2023

Karen George lives in California and has been a deaf child sponsor with Deaf Child Hope for almost two years now. She isn’t the first sponsor and she won’t be…

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Marisol’s Death Sparks Hope for Other Sick Deaf Children

June 17, 2023

Marisol was a sweet 10-year-old little girl who lived in Mexico, right across the Texas-Mexico border. Marisol was deaf plus, which means that along with her deafness, she had other…

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