Christian singer/songwriter, Toby Mac, has a popular hit called, “Speak Life.”
Below are the words to the chorus:
Speak life, speak life
To the deadest darkest night
Speak life, speak life
When the sun won’t shine and you don’t know why
Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted
Watch them come alive as soon asYou speak hope
You speak love
You speak life
If you’ve previously heard this song, you’re probably singing along with me right now. It’s a catchy tune.
The other day I was sitting at a stop light, when this song started. As I sang along, a thought popped into my head, “Wow! This is our goal at Deaf Child Hope International! To a deaf child in poverty, we speak hope, love, and life.”
Deaf Child Hope International speaks hope to deaf children in poverty. Some deaf children arrive at our partners with very limited language skills. Once a deaf child learns sign language, he or she can communicate their needs, ask questions, make friends, and learn about the love of Jesus. Language gives hope of a new life – a life of community and a life that includes a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Deaf Child Hope International speaks love to deaf children in poverty. In 9 countries, our partners are serving deaf children in poverty in the name of Jesus. The love of Jesus permeates daily living. Our sponsored children are the recipients of this great love. Experiencing and witnessing love teaches them to love others. Many deaf children show the love of Jesus to others in their communities.
Deaf Child Hope International speaks life to deaf children in poverty. Our partners provide deaf children the basic needs of food, water, safety, and acceptance. Many deaf children don’t have these prior to coming into our partner’s care. When a child doesn’t have to worry about basic needs, he or she can begin to live a life filled with joy and hope. He or she can focus on friendships, learning, understanding the Bible, learning to pray, and starting to live an abundant life in Christ.
Just as the lyrics suggest, we invite you to join us as we speak life to deaf children in poverty in 2016!
~ Tammie Showalter
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The Red Ball
November 2, 2015
Marisol is a six-year-old deaf girl living in Matamoros, Mexico. When she was born, the doctor told her mom she would never live past the age of one—but she has! …
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