My Journey to Sponsorship and Impact

May 31, 2015

My Journey into Deaf Missions: Answering God’s Call to Help Deaf Children Worldwide

In 1997, our lives changed forever with the arrival of a beautiful baby boy. At just six months old, we began noticing signs of deafness. Like any parents faced with unexpected news, we were shocked, scared, and saddened. However, we trusted that God had a plan. Little did we know how profoundly this journey would bless and shape our lives.

Teaching and training of children in need in Hait.

Discovering God’s Purpose Through Deaf Adoption

As we navigated the world of deafness, we immersed ourselves in learning about deaf culture and sign language. By 2003, God had placed a new calling on our hearts: adoption. This wasn’t just any adoption—we felt called to adopt a deaf child.

Our journey led us to China, where we met our spirited and beautiful fourth child, a four-year-old girl who had never been exposed to language. Teaching her sign language and English became an immediate focus as we bonded and overcame the unique challenges of adopting an older child.

The Mission Begins: A Life-Changing Trip to Jamaica

In 2004, I had the opportunity to join a mission trip to Jamaica. We visited a remote deaf school nestled high in the mountains. I was heartbroken to learn that in this culture, deaf individuals were often seen as a disgrace. People would ask, “Why would you want to help them?” Watching those beautiful children learn and play filled me with a renewed sense of purpose—God was calling me to change the world’s perception of deafness.

I returned home with a deep desire to serve deaf children and their families. I prayed for guidance, knowing God would lead the way.

A deaf child in need of support and sponsorship in Haiti.

Expanding the Mission: Answering the Call in Haiti

In 2007, I found an opportunity to join a mission trip to Haiti, where we worked with deaf students and taught sign language. In return, they taught us elements of their unique Haitian sign language. The experience was eye-opening and heartbreaking. Voodoo culture in Haiti often stigmatized deaf children, viewing them as a curse or punishment.

We encouraged families to continue their children’s education and to recognize their incredible potential. These children were eager to learn, incredibly bright, and filled with promise. With the right resources, they could grow into successful, thriving adults. Their resilience and joy blessed me in countless ways.

Supporting Families and Finding Community

Over the years, I have had the privilege of being involved with organizations that support families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children, including Iowa Hands and Voices. Through these experiences, I witnessed the power of community and the importance of providing love, education, and resources for deaf children.

Joining Deaf Child Hope International

In God’s perfect timing, He led me to Deaf Child Hope International. I prayed for an opportunity like this since that first trip to Jamaica in 2004. God brought together the right people—JD King, Debbie Klahn, and Vicki Drummond—who listened to His calling to serve deaf children around the world.

Thanks to Deaf Child Hope, deaf children in developing countries receive food, clothing, shelter, education, and, most importantly, the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s incredible to see God’s love at work through this mission.

Answering the Call: How You Can Help

Deaf children around the world face unimaginable challenges, from social stigma to lack of education. But together, we can make a difference. The number one way to make a difference is through child sponsorship. Obviously, donations help too. But there is nothing quite like the 1 to 1 connection that comes from sponsorship.

Let’s celebrate that each child is beautifully and wonderfully made by God—deaf or hearing, all are precious in His sight.

Visit Deaf Child Hope International to learn how you can help transform the lives of deaf children worldwide and be part of this incredible mission to share God’s love and hope.