Providing Hope For Deaf Children in Poverty

Providing Hope For Deaf Children in Poverty

25 million deaf children worldwide are currently living in isolation, outcast from their communities, and deemed unworthy of an education.

We are on a mission to change that. Deaf Child Hope spreads hope to Deaf children all over the world by providing basic essentials like clothing, food, shelter, safety, acceptance, medical care, education and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thanks to the help of our many partners, deaf child sponsors, financial supporters, and volunteers.

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You too can make a lasting difference by joining us on a DCH mission trip to serve deaf children in another country. You may be surprised when your own heart and life also transform in the process!

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Our Team in Kenya & Uganda

Most of us feel like there are 101 things on our to do list and actually that very well may be the case. In the achieving, high-paced, society we live…

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DEAF CHILD OF THE WEEK: Jose from Mexico. 
Sponsor Jose Today! #missions #childreninneed #opportunity #deafworld #deafchildren #deafchildoftheweek
DEAF CHILD OF THE WEEK: Jose from Mexico. 
Sponsor Jose Today! #missions #childreninneed #opportunity #deafworld #deafchildren #deafchildoftheweek
Visit the landing page today to learn more!

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DEAF CHILD OF THE WEEK: Cesar from Honduras. 
To sponsor Cesar today for only $38/month and help him towards a brighter future visit his full sponsorship page here:
DEAF CHILD OF THE WEEK: Bao from Vietnam. Sponsoring a deaf child living in poverty is such a significant way to make a big impact and it takes minimal time and only $38/month. Sponsor Bao today at his sponsorship page:

 #deafeducation #childreninpoverty #youcanhelp #makechange #jesusknowsASL #deafchildren #deafworld #deafchildoftheweek